Abstract: Autistics’ atypical joint attention: Policy implications and empirical nuance

GERNSBACHER, M. A., STEVENSON, J. L., KHANDAKAR, S., & GOLDSMITH, H. H. (2008). Autistics’ atypical joint attention: Policy implications and empirical nuance. Child Development Perspectives, 2, 49-52.
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Burack and Russo (2008) applaud our approach to understanding autistics’ atypical joint attention (Gernsbacher, Stevenson, Khandakar, & Goldsmith, 2008) but express some concerns about the evidence we drew upon to support our thesis. In response, we underscore the empirical nuance of our thesis—that autistics’ atypical manifestations of joint attention arise from their atypical resistance to distraction, atypical parallel perception, and atypical execution of volitional actions. We recap how our hypothesis derives from fresh interpretations, well-replicated findings, and underlying mechanisms.